Luke Vreeken

Main: (801) 531-0400


Luke S. Vreeken is a shareholder with Sage Forensic Accounting.  Mr. Vreeken has primarily been engaged by attorneys and law firms to assist them and their clients with financial and accounting-oriented issues, ranging from complex damage analyses to business valuation.  

Mr. Vreeken has also been engaged to provide professional expertise to individuals, businesses, insurance companies, financial institutions, and not-for-profit organizations.

The following sections provides additional detail summarizing Mr. Vreeken’s experience in different professional areas:

Business Valuation

I have been involved in performing appraisals in both cooperative and contentious appraisal environments.  I have calculated the value of closely held companies in a wide variety of industries for many different purposes, including for buy-sell agreements, ESOP plans, divorce settlements, stockholder disputes, bankruptcy adversarial proceedings, governmental regulatory agencies, gift and estate tax plans, and other business planning and litigation situations.  While assisting with valuations, I regularly draw on my forensic accounting, economic analysis, and other financial expertise.  I regularly assist in performing complex valuation assignments that involve issues such as distinguishing between enterprise and personal goodwill, allocation of goodwill value, and valuing horizontal and vertically integrated entities.  The following is a brief summary of some of the varied assignments I have participated in:

Forensic Accounting

The large majority of my assignments involve applying forensic accounting expertise to various portions of the assignment.  This can range from using forensic accounting techniques to analyze and understand the trends in the financial results of a business to investigating fraud allegations.  The following is a list of some of the varied matters in which I have used my forensic accounting expertise to provide assistance:

Evaluation of economic damages and related assessment of economic causation

I have been involved in the computation of economic losses, or economic damages, in many different types of cases.  I have assisted in calculating and evaluating analyses prepared by others for losses due to business interruptions, business destructions, business dissolutions, and a wide variety of business disputes.  I have prepared both consulting reports and comprehensive expert reports, with uses ranging from legal consulting to settlement negotiations to trial testimony.  The following is a list of some of the varied matters in which I have used my expertise to provide assistance:

Critique and review of other financial experts

I am regularly involved in assignments specifically for the purpose of reviewing a report of another financial expert.  The work provided in this context ranges from providing consulting advice to counsel to preparing a rebuttal expert report and providing testimony.  The following list outlines some of the matters in which I have been involved:

Educational Qualifications

Mr. Vreeken earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting, a Bachelor of Science degree in Economics, and a Master’s degree in Accounting, from the University of Utah.

Professional Certifications

Professional Affiliations/Activities

Articles and Presentations

Drilling into Anomalies of Fraud, Presented to:


Derk has provided professional services for a wide variety of purposes and in a wide variety of matters. This variety is because the foundational principles in forensic accounting, valuation, and economic damages can be appropriately applied in many different situations, the following attempts to broadly summarize the different types of matters he worked on during his career:

  • Buy/sell consulting and valuation
  • Income determination for individuals
  • Asset tracing
  • Breach of contract
  • Business forecasts and financial consulting
  • Business interruption and destruction analyses
  • Business valuation
  • Civil litigation
  • Commercial litigation
  • Divorce litigation
  • Due diligence
  • Economic loss analysis
  • Estate and gift tax valuation
  • Forensic accounting reconstructions and tracing
  • Fraud investigations
  • Insurance loss analysis
  • Intellectual property, intangible asset valuation, infringement damage analysis
  • Lost profits and unjust enrichment damages
  • Patent, trademark, and copyright infringement damages
  • Personal injury
  • Purchase price allocation
  • Rebuttal analyses
  • Royalty, license, rent, and compliance investigations
  • Shareholder disputes
  • Trade secret and non-competition damages
  • Valuation of private, closely held, and holding companies
  • Wrongful death
  • Wrongful termination

Summary of Expert Witness Testimony

Case Name
Law Firm
Cross v United Fire & Casualty Company
Suitter Axland
United Fire & Casualty Company