Answers to Sage's yearly client puzzles

Cross Sticks
Can you take the box ring off the "X" sticks?
Everyone needs help from time to time. Just as we can assist you in solving this puzzle, we can also support you with other complex challenges, including forensic accounting, damage analysis, and business valuation.
Place the puzzle on a flat surface with the wooden "X" sticks resting on the box ring. Spin the entire puzzle clock-wise which pulls the internal pins into the legs of the "X." Pull the top stick up and slide out of the box ring.

Where's the Money?
Can you configure the pieces such that nothing is pointing to the money?
All arrows must point to at least one empty space, cannot point to another arrow, and none may point at the dollar signs either.
We all need help sometimes, just like we can help you solve this puzzle, we can help you with your other puzzling cases involving forensic accounting, economic damages, or business valuation.

Dime Dilemma
Can you insert the dime into the large circular area? The 10 cent challenge is whether you can do it in 5 minutes. Very few people will accomplish this! Its a lot harder than it may look.
Based on circle packing mathematics where the area of each piece increases by an area equal to the #1 circle.
We all need help sometimes, just like we can help you solve this puzzle, we can help you with your other puzzling cases involving forensic accounting, economic damages, or business valuation.

To setup the standard puzzle place the pegs on the gameboard, leaving the center hole empty. You can jump over a peg with an adjacent peg vertically or horizontally (not diagonally). When you jump over a peg, remove it. Multiple jumps with one peg are allowed.
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There are more than one solution to the standard game. To describe the steps required, each hole is given a number as shown in the diagram below. The steps below show the peg movements by location:
There are many other games that can be played with this Solitaire puzzle board by either changing the starting pattern (using fewer pegs) or by changing the goal finish pattern (trying to end up with 4 pegs in positions 9, 11, 23, and 25). The following websites are among many dedicated to Solitaire which you can visit to learn more about the game.

Half Hour Puzzle
A very interesting 3x3x3 cube with only 1 solution. Designed by Stewart Coffin in 1975 who said that a half hour would be a good solution time. At first glance it looks like a Soma Cube. But whereas a Soma has 240 possible cube solutions, this has only 1.
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If you are reading this solution then you must have scrambled the puzzle without taking the time to look at where the pieces belong. Good for you. Now let us help you figure out how to get it back together. First locate and arrange all the pieces in the order below and follow the steps to assemble the box.
Order of Pieces

Top View of Assembly with Location and Orientation of Pieces

Assembly Steps

Secret Lock Box
The box has 5 sliding “keys” on each end. You must orient these keys in exactly the correct position to allow the cover to unlock. Not easy, but with patience it can be done.
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Orient the box so that the Sage logo is on top and readable from left to right (like the image above). Use the images below to pull keys 3, 5, 7, 10 toward you. After adjusting the correct keys, lift the lid of the box to open.

Count on me
Even accountants sometimes have trouble getting numbers to fit where they are supposed to. Enjoy this year's puzzle and put yourself in our shoes.
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If you are reading this solution then you must have scrambled the puzzle without taking the time to look at where the pieces belong. Good for you. Now let us help you figure out how to get it back together.

Boxed Burr
A challenging Tom Lensch design, the first puzzle is opening the box. When this is solved and you successfully disassemble the puzzle you will find there are six unique pieces. The pieces are notched and will interlock when assembled properly to reform the box. Good luck.
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Each piece of the block is inserted in the order below. Follow the steps to assemble the box.

Cracked Egg
A challenging Stewart Coffin puzzle designed to allow only one workable solution. To complete the puzzle, all six pieces need to be placed inside the oval egg cutout.
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Follow the steps below to solve the Cracked Egg.

Cash Out
To solve the puzzle you must find a way to retrieve the prize behind the window without breaking, altering, or otherwise causing any destruction to the puzzle. The solution does not require brute force, power tools, or persuasive argument.
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There is a small metal pin held in place by a magnet in the base of the puzzle which prevents the base from sliding off. To release the pin, hold the puzzle upright and hit the base against the palm of your hand. This should be forceful enough to release the pin and enable the base to slide off.

Log Jam
The Log Jam puzzle was designed by Tesa Timonen of Sweden in 2002. It is easy to fit seven pieces into the box, its the last piece that is the killer. Can you solve it?
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The first step to solve the Log Jam is to arrange all the logs in descending order based on their height. You'll notice that there are two logs at every height increment. Follow the steps below to correctly place all of the logs into the box.

A Stewart Coffin designed puzzle that combines apparent simplicity into something that is cunningly difficult. The goal is to get all four pieces into the rectangular opening in the base.
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This puzzle sucks you in by making you believe you are on the verge of solving it, but the solution remains elusive for much longer. Luckily, We have provided the solution for you below.

Redstone Box
The red block on the top of the box or the "Redstone" must be placed into the box with the additional eight pieces. When you slide off the lid you will see that the box appears to be filled to the top. It may seem impossible, but it can be done.
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Safe Cracker 40
Based on a hundred year old design, the object is to get each of the 16 columns of numbers to add to 40 at the same time. There is a base ring and then four rings that rotate on top. To complicate matters, the top sets of rings are all notched, so they will expose or hide some of the numbers on the ring below as the rings are turned. There is only one possible solution.
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Rotate each wheel until the numbers match up with the image below.

Triple Triangle
This peg jumping game was first patented in 1891 by Herbert Smith. To play, select a peg and jump over an adjacent peg to a vacant hole. Remove the peg that was jumped. Repeat this process until there is only one peg left.

Computer Chip
The first task is to determine how to take the puzzle apart. Next, task is to reassemble the puzzle. This is not the most difficult puzzle we have released, but it is a fun one. There is only one possible solution.
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Grape Cluster
Seven bunches of grapes will come together to form the cluster. This puzzle is a lot tougher than it looks.

Soma Cube
The cube unravels, staying in one piece like a snake. Once unraveled, can you get it back together? It may take you an hour or more to solve, but can easily be put together in under ten seconds with practice.